And Jerry would be pleased by that. Jerry hated the bottle cap mentality of some collectors.
And I'm fine with that. I don't have a need to own every Goldsmith release. (I'm looking at you, Mr. Baseball

I have a lot of them. I daresay, I have most of them.
But there's one release that I still don't own. I still haven't heard. And i feel guilty about it. I'm sure I would love it. I'm sure everyone thinks it's a great score. But I just haven't pursued it.
There. I said it. I don't own Rudy. I've never seen the movie, never heard the score - except, of course, during virtually every movie trailer made in the last 15 years.
Is it a mistake? Should I jump out there and rectify this situation? Is it really a must-have score?
Do you have any Goldsmith confessions to make? List them here, and Jerry will absolve you.